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Isomag Bearing Isolators: The Best Bearing Protector For Your Goulds 5150 VJC Vertical Cantilever Pu

Jared Green

The Goulds 5150 VJC Vertical Cantilever Pump is designed to handle corrosive and/or extremely abrasive slurries. This pump is typically found at steel mills, alumina refineries, and phosphoric acid plants. Our customer, Noranda Alumina in Gramercy, Louisiana, was in need of a better solution for these vertical pumps. Isomag bearing isolators proved to be the perfect solution for this harsh flooded environment.

Goulds 5150 VJC Pump

What are the features of Isomag bearing isolators and why are they so beneficial to your Goulds 5150?

The benefits of an Isomag bearing isolator are:

  • Magnetic Closing Force – “Magnetic energy is used to create a closing force keeping the seal faces in positive contact.”

  • Seals in all positions: horizontal, vertical, angled, rock and roll

  • Seals in all types of bearing lubrication: splash, flooded, forced, oil mist

  • Seals during stand-by

  • Enables use of closed-loop oil mist systems

  • Easily installed by hand

  • Removable without damage to the isolator or equipment

  • Face seal that rotates with the shaft

Your Goulds 5150 will benefit from Isomag bearing isolators by providing a positive seal that prevents leakage, protects against the ingress of internal contamination, and provides years of reliable service. As the pioneers in the magnetic bearing isolator market, Isomag continues to bring innovation and technology in an effort to extend rotating equipment life.

For more information on this magnetic, in-contact bearing isolator and how it can extend the life of your equipment, contact the Isomag team

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